
Monday, January 7, 2013

23 Week Belly Update

Total Weight Gain: About 16 lbs.
Maternity Clothes: I got a whole bag of maternity clothes from Luana, yay!
Symptoms: I've been feeling the beginning stages of heart burn, but nothing too bad. I've also been peeing more often, and had some round ligament pain. Plus, my stomach is soooo itchy. I've been using bio oil and cocoa butter like crazy.
Best Moment of the Week: Joseph felt Ezzy kick on New Year's Eve, just a lil before midnight. That was the perfect way to ring in 2013. Having plenty of sister time and catching up with a friend I hadn't seen in a LONG time was really nice too.
What We're Reading & Watching this Week: We finished up Tudors and went back to Sons of Anarchy. I also had a movie day with my sis and Aunt and we Snow White and the Huntsmen and Trouble With the Curve. Clint Eastwood is a great story teller, and he plays a really good grumpy old man.
Food Cravings: We went to Stan's donuts over the weekend, which is pretty much a pregnant woman's dream. I've also been wanting oatmeal with blueberries and brown sugar in the mornings. I've been trying to cook more and eat out less, so I've been eating a lot more veggies and whole grains over the past week. Joe's vegetarian now too, so I'm experimenting with new recipes. I'll post some of our favorites on here later.
Exercise: I'm still just walking. We made it to the gym once on lunch last week, and we plan to do that again tomorrow. I also got over 13,000 steps when we went to LACMA and the farmer's market over the weekend.
What I Miss: Margaritas from Mexico Cafe.
Happy or Moody? Happy!
Movement: His kicks are getting much stronger, I can feel them from the outside now.
Looking Forward to: Double date night with Serena and Cleo this Thursday, which is also a little sad because it will probably be the last time I see her before Ezra's born.

Ezzy's wardrobe has increased again. He's got so much cute stuff now, I can't wait to dress him up!
Ezra's Gonna be a Well-Dressed Baby

Rule Breaker Outfit & Bibs from Luana & Logan, Auntie's Little Man from Aunt Serena

Daddy's Tough Guy outfit from Great Aunt Linda

Keepsake Books from Grandma & Aunt Daniela

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