
Monday, March 18, 2013

33 Weeks Bump Update & Baby Gifts

33 Weeks Pregnant
Ezzy is the size of a pineapple! (I'm not sure if that includes the spiky crown...)

Total Weight Gain: Who knows?
Symptoms: Ezzy is wedged in between my lungs, which makes breathing a lot of fun. The doctor says he'll probably stay there for another four weeks or so and then drop down and create a new set of symptoms (aka - peeing every few minutes and cramps). Can't wait!
Best Moment of the Week: March has been a whirlwind so far. Between baby classes twice a week and slowly packing and moving, we somehow managed to see a lot of friends in the past two weeks, which is really nice because I hear that doesn't happen too much with a newborn. Catching up with Nevin at BJ's was a lot of fun (added bonus: I hadn't had a pizookie in like 5 years!). I got a lot of good/scary pregnancy and baby stories at Bella's birthday party. We had a mini-family reunion with Joe's mom, her husband, and my aunt at the Mexico Cafe. A coffee and baby-shower planning date with Jessica turned up a lot of good ideas which I'm really excited about. And we spent St. Patty's Day with Joe's high school friend, Jerell and his family. They have two kids and will also be our new neighbors (relatively speaking) so I see plenty of play dates in the future :) Wow, no wonder I haven't had a chance to post a blog in over a week. We've been busy (in a good way)!
What We're Reading & Watching this Week: We're watching season 3 of 24 and we're finally caught up on Walking Dead, which makes me a little sad. Only two episodes to go and then we have to wait until fall for new episodes. I feel like I should really get started on reading What to Expect the First Year, but I don't see that happening this month. That will probably be a maternity leave project.
Food Cravings: Chocolate! A milkshake has also been sounding good lately, but I haven't had one yet. Oh, and Taco Bell. In other words, nothing too shocking compared with my pre-pregnancy cravings.
Exercise: I'm still pedometing. I actually averaged over 11,000 steps per day the last week. The trick is to have plenty of magazines to make the treadmill less boring.
What I Miss: Sleeping on my back. And sleeping well in general. I love my sleep...I really hope Ezzy feels the same.
Happy or Moody? Happy
Movement: Ezzy's getting strong in there. Sometimes it feels like he's trying to break out. And he's very territorial. If anything is pressing on my stomach, he'll push back.
Looking Forward to: Saturday is the big moving day! It will be nice to have everything in one place. Also, the crib, dresser and changing table came today. Yay, thanks Mom! It's a huge relief that we actually have stuff to put in the nursery. Speaking of which, we've been getting tons of gifts and useful hand-me-downs from our very generous friends and family. I don't have pictures of everything, but here's a little glimpse of Ezzy's newest loot:

For Ezzy from Sondra & Her Family
Hand-me-downs from my Cousin Aimee & Baby Sophia
From Jerell & Helen's Family
A Sneak Peak (notice the Pepperdine colors)

So Cute!! I've been eyeing that Carter bulldog design for awhile.
Sophia's Old Monkey Bounce Chair - I hear these things are lifesavers
Babies R Us Shopping Spree in our near future! Thanks Nevin & Ramona :)
 Thank you everyone! Ezzy is going to be one stylish lil guy.

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