
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Finish this

I came across a fun link up series called Finish This over at Three 31, where bloggers share random details about their lives based on different prompts each week, and I decided to join in this week.

1. My favorite makeup item is... I'm not really a huge makeup person, and a lot of days I don't wear it at all, but when I do I prefer a natural look. The two constant things I've used for the past few years are benefit erase paste and benefit high beam. I've had dark circles under my eyes since elementary school, and a tiny bit of the erase paste covers those up. With the high beam I put a tiny dot at the corners of my cheek bones and under my eyebrows and it makes my skin look nice and dewy. Both these products last me a looong time. Are there any great can't-live-without, east-to-apply items that you'd recommend?

2. The best book I ever read was... This is really hard because a lot of books are my favorite as I'm reading them, but I guess to qualify as the best book I ever read, it would have to be something I want to read more than once. I'm going with Gone With the Wind. I just bought a copy and plan to re-read it this year. It's really long, but it's a fast read. I've also been in the mood to re-watch the movie, but it's hard to carve out three uninterrupted hours now with Ezzy. I'm always on the lookout for new books to read, what are some of your faves?

 3. My favorite TV show is... Ahhh, another hard question! Right now I'm obsessed with House of Cards. But of all time I'd pick Sex and the City or Friends.

4. The most spontaneous thing I've ever done... Getting together with my now-fiance was pretty spontaneous, since the whole relationship progressed really quickly. Much more quickly than I had been used to with past relationships. But when it's right you just know.

5. I prefer Dogs/Cats because... I'm a cat person. I've only been without a cat for about three years of my life. Two of those years were when I lived on campus, and then since last August when James went missing. James cracked me up, he was so entertaining to me. And he was not at all needy, I could leave him alone and go on vacation for a week and just leave a bunch of food and water around the house and he'd be fine. Also, he suited my nomadic lifestyle (we moved 9 times in 9 years together!) much better than I think a dog would have. Obviously, I still miss him. When we are settled with a house of our own we'll get both a dog and a cat, and I'm sure I'll love them both.

6. I met my fiance at... work. He actually interviewed me and hired me. Definitely the best career move I ever made :)


  1. Got to love SATC and Friends! I could watch episodes of those great shows over and over. :)

    1. Same here! Nothing has really filled the SATC void since that show ended. Modern Family is also a good show I forgot to mention.

  2. That's one heck of a successful job interview!!!!! Thanks for joining the link up with us, I hope you'll come back next week for another set of prompts. :)

    1. Ha, yes! It was actually just a whim that I even applied to that job in the first place. I'd had a really annoying day at my previous job, and impulsively applied to a job online, and the rest is history. Looking back, that annoying day turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to me :)

  3. SATC, YES! Great great show! I used to watch and re-watch it all the time before we got married -- back when I had more time to watch my own shows! I've never read Gone With the Wind, but I love the movie. Is the book much different?

    1. The book is different because there are more characters. The movie probably would have been at least five hours if they stuck to the book. I think it's one of the few times that the book and the movie are equally good though.

  4. Yay to Sex and the City! I just rewatched the whole thing plus the two movies over the course of a few weeks during naps and such. I love me some Steve.

    1. Yeah, Steve was pretty great. It's funny how the first time I watched the series, when I was (obviously) much younger, I liked Big, and then I entered the dating world and realized what a jerk Big really was.
