
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Finish This: Family + Great vs. Good

Today I'm linking up with Nicole at Three 31, Jen at Arizona Russums, Becky at The Java Mama, and Lisa at Coastlined to share some random facts about me:

1. I could spend all day...
outdoors exploring with Joe and Ez. Seeing the world through Ezzy's eyes makes everything seem new and exciting. Also, if I'm in the middle of a good book, I could easily spend all day reading. I just bought The Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks, I hope it's a good one! Anyone read it already?

2. My primary and essential goal in life...
is to raise a close and loving family. I've seen and heard so many stories of families that grow apart or feud for whatever reason. It's startlingly more common than I think it should be. Regardless of distance, I always want our little family to be close and know that we are all each other's biggest supporters.

3. You might be surprised to learn...
that as an English major I never actually read all the books assigned to me in any of my classes. I'm pretty sure that would have been impossible, especially on a 12 week quarter system. Even though I love reading, I don't think I'm a very fast reader, and if I had read everything assigned, I doubt I would have retained much. Instead I picked which books to read, and skimmed the rest so that I could write the required essays. Somehow it worked out for me...

4. My favorite place in the world...
is wherever Joe and Ezzy are. Sorry, I know that's a bit repetitive from #1, (and maybe a lil sickeningly mushy) but it's true! Before Joe, I always thought I was too independent to want to spend all my time with someone. I always needed a lot of alone time. And I definitely never thought it would've worked to live with someone and work together too, I was sure I'd get sick of being around that person. But I've never felt that with Joe. I think it's because I'm completely myself with him, so it's easy. Not to say we never need some time apart, but those times are few and far between.

5. I wish I had known sooner... many things! I wouldn't have settled for feeling "alright" with life, vs. being really happy and in love with life. "The enemy of great is good" really applied to a lot of my 20s. And sometimes things weren't even particularly good, but they were comfortable. If I had known how worthwhile it is to step outside my comfort zone, I would've done it much sooner in life, and I think my 20s would've been much different. But I also tell myself that the timing would've been off, and maybe I never would've met Joe or had Ezzy, so I have no regrets with the way things worked out since they led me to where I am now, which is a very good place :)

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