
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Little Things: Ez's Newest Milestones

My son has suddenly become a little monkey. He wants to climb on the front of the cart at Target. Or on the grocery shelves at the store. And most recently he's figured out how to climb on the couch. Which probably means using the ottoman as a "baby gate" isn't gonna work anymore. I have a feeling this is the beginning of a whole new stage of scrapes and bruises, which makes me so thankful we don't have stairs in the house. 

Ez got a ton of new cars and a super cool train set for Christmas, and while his obsession with anything that goes is nothing new, he has definitely taken his playing to a new level. The progression has actually been really cool to watch. At first he just chewed on the toys, of course. Then to make the cars "go" he would throw them (not my favorite phase). And eventually he got to the point where he would carefully roll the cars, and he would always turn the cars so that they're facing forward. Now he's super organized, and he loves taking four or five cars, rolling them along an imaginary road, then parking them side by side. Always perfectly placed side by side. I'm not sure if this is normal toddler behavior or the beginning stages of OCD, but I think it's pretty fascinating to watch.

Speaking of playing, Ez's imagination is really kicking into high gear. If he sees anyone throwing something away, he'll jump up, pick an imaginary piece of trash off the ground, and run to throw it in the trash can. And he's always handing me imaginary pieces of who knows what, then waiting expectantly for me to get excited and thank him. Any time we go out to eat the jam packets or pieces of his food turn into cars, and he usually spends the last half of the meal pushing his "cars" meticulously back and forth across the table. I can't wait till his vocabulary catches up with his imagination, so he can explain what's going on in his little mind. 

Lately I'm pretty sure Ez has been trying to tell us jokes. Like he'll say one or two lines of gibberish and then start cracking up, which of course cracks us up, even though we have no idea what he's saying. Here he is laughing at dad for making goat sounds:

And there you have it, another totally random post on Ez's random milestones. That may be all my pregnant brain can handle for awhile. Thanks for reading along ;)

Linking up with Jess for:


  1. Oh boy watch out! :) Marli fell off the couch a few times when she first discovered climbing haha Luckily she hasn't figured out how to climb out of her crib because I plan on caging her in until at least 2 1/2 (if I can make it that long). Has he discovered using pots or tupperware as a stepping stool to stand on so he can see what's on the counter? If not...he will :)

  2. Awwwwwww. I laugh at myself when I make animal noises so yeah.. it's pretty funny! LOL! Wait until he gets into the age of Legos! He might even be ready for the Duplo Legos. My son, I swear, he's an architect in the making. He's 3 and even his teacher was amazed at the things he was building. How old is he..? {new follower.. sorry}

  3. So little and so big all the same time - exciting!

  4. That is adorable! It's so fun to watch kids learn. The little guy I nanny for does the same babbling thing. You can maybe make out a few words, but he thinks he hilarious.

  5. Awww, isn't it so cute to see their imagination growing?!?! I still feel like Sydney's is growing every single day!

  6. So fun! I love these little things post. That video is ADORABLE to, what a cutie.

  7. I love the laughing because of the laughing. I think that is one of the most adorable and hilarious experiences. So sweet!!

  8. So cute, definitely cherish all these moments.

  9. lol the goat sounds =) We love animal sounds! Do zebra. I said something to her the other day and she made the sound for a sheep...I think, or some animal sound because she thought I said the name of that animal and not whatever it was I did say. Wait who has the pregnancy brain haha? My stories are so awesome. I'm like well I can't remember 75% of it but let me tell you about it anyways. golfclap.

    I hated loathed despised...when Aria figured out how to climb on the couch. We have tile. She also couldn't climb down. Praise the Lord she can get up and down now and she has never fallen off. oy. She did tumble off another chair though. My heart stopped. She also rocked the rocking chair so hard it fell over backwards. This is why I am aging 4 times the normal rate now. Kids.

  10. Oh he's so cute! Love that little giggle. I love when they reach new milestones. The car thing sounds normal. My three year old does that and has for the longest time. It's fun watching them learn something new.
