
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

26 Week Bump Update - Baby #2

Last week of the 2nd trimester! I can't claim that this pregnancy is flying by anymore, since lately I really feel pregnant. I don't have any majorly awful symptoms, but I feel large and awkward. Getting up off the couch or fishing toys out from under the TV stand make me feel as graceful as a turtle on its back, but so far I can still do those things on my own - just at a much slower pace and with lots more huffing and puffing than usual! Ez has actually started mimicking my standing up grunts, which is both funny and mean. Gotta love how a toddler always manages to pick your finest moments to mimick ;)

My mood is definitely more impatient than normal. Smells can be really annoying. Like that one time Joe ate roasted garlic (like several heads worth - not cloves, but entire heads of garlic) and then smelled like garlic for days after. There's now a garlic ban in the house. 

As far as sleep goes, I'm not a huge fan of napping cause it throws my whole day off, but some nights I wind up lying awake forever trying to fall asleep and then I can't make it through the next day without a nap. And then I feel bummed out because I don't get anything done. It's a vicious cycle.

I know I sound like a broken record, but salads and ice cream are diet staples. There's also been a lot of pizza this pregnancy. Joe and I aren't huge pizza fans, I'm much more into Mexican food, and Joe loves sushi or Chinese, but it's so nice when pizza just shows up on your doorstep and you don't even have to put on shoes or stop watching House of Cards. Plus Ez has decided he's a huge pizza fan too. Just no anchovies!! Joe did that once on his half of the pizza and the whole thing tasted fishy after that. Ick!

Slowly but surely we're making progress on baby stuff. We've tried out a few more strollers. Right now it seems to be down to the Contours Options tandem stroller or Graco Ready2Grow. Graco has a few more seating options, which I really like, but we hated the Graco infant carseat. Contours seems to be better quality, but I wish they had the sit/stand option. I also picked out two possible coming home outfits for baby. This lil guy will have lots of hand me downs, but I figure his going home outfit should be all his own. Also, this motorcycle outfit is supposed to entice Ez to like his baby bro more ;)

And, just to show how much difference a camera angle can make, here's one more beach shot where I look way more pregnant than the above picture:

Also, while we were at the beach I was chatting with a fellow mom who was saying how much easier and shorter her second labor was compared with her first. In general, I don't encourage labor stories while I'm pregnant, but if anyone else has those types of lovely stories to share, I'm all ears! 


  1. Looking good!!! Ban all the garlic! Agreed! Hahah
    And pizza was what I lived off of while preggo. I couldn't get enough! It's healthy enough right?? Hahah

    1. Pizza is definitely healthy! Tomato sauce = veggies ;)

  2. You look fabulous!! I loved loved LOVED sharing my weekly bumpdates when I was pregnant with my twin boys. They are fun took look back at and read now that the boys are here. Insomnia was my worst friend while pregnant. Although I tried to tell myself it was preparing me for when the babies were born ;-)

    1. Pregnancy insomnia is the worst! I don't remember having it my first pregnancy, but it's definitely kicking in this time around :-/

  3. Looking good! That little motorcycle outfit is just so stinkin' cute!

    1. Thanks! When Ez was born I had visions of dressing him in little animal outfits, but now that I've had a crash course in things boys love, I'm on board with all things that have an engine ;)

  4. Thanks for sharing! I'm going to be where you are in just a few short weeks. :)

  5. You look beautiful! It is always the last trimester that kicks my butt. As far as second ones coming sooner, my first daughter had to literally be pulled out of me after 2 days of labor. My second and third labors were worlds of difference. My water broke at home on their own, and I was multiple centimeters dilated by the time I got to the hospital. Both were c sections so I don't know how fast labor would have progressed from there. But my body seemed to know what to do a lot more then with my first, which did not do one thing on its own. At least now you know the amazingness and perfection that is your child. You know how worth all of the work it is. With my pregnancy bacon killed me, the smell sent me into the bathroom so fast. My husband has a major dietary need for bacon, it is his version of a woman and her chocolate. But, he relented and never ate it when I was pregnant, that is love!

  6. I feel Ya on the napping girlfriend! Ive started eating lunch a bit later so that I can catch a 15 minute nap while lily eats lunch. I don't compromise our day then. Also, can you try to fall asleep to some tv whether it is an actual show, on your phone, or the iPad/kindle? I've tried that a few times and it seems to help calm my mind down. I just let my husband worry about turning it off bc if I do I'm wide awake again. Hope your sleeping gets better. Definitely difficult with a little one!

  7. You're looking great. And I will say that each of my labors have gotten shorter and "easier", so there is hope! 19 hours with my first, 12 hours with my second, 7 hours with my third. :) But, each pregnancy also seems to give me more early contractions and false labor, so that's not too fun, but still, I'll take the shorter labors any day!

  8. So cute! I love the salad & ice cream diet staples. :D

  9. I've heard a few women have very short 2nd labors. A friend was in and out in just a few hours. Good luck!

  10. I love feeling large and awkward, best part of being knocked up yes? oh wait...
    laughing at the garlic ban!
    I lost my train of thought. merry christmas.
    Aria hated her infant carseat. Would def move up to the convertible earlier with any potential seconds. I just thought you had to wait for the year mark. So silly those first time moms.
