
Friday, March 13, 2015

Ez at 22 Months

Dear Ez, you are my stubborn smart snuggly little goofball. You'll do anything for a laugh, including falling down, smashing your face into the couch, or hitting yourself on the head. We keep telling you you only get one head, but that doesn't seem to phase you. You're a whirlwind of energy, but your focus and attention span have also increased by leaps and bounds. You spend long chunks of the morning just lying on your rug lining up all your cars and trains in exactly the right order. Then you spend half the evening sprinting back and forth across the living room, or chasing your balls all over the house. You giggle, scream, and run away anytime you think one of us is chasing you - which is one of your favorite games. You've gotten a lot better about "helping" mommy with the chores - putting the laundry in the dryer, throwing away trash (and sometimes non-trash), and helping sweep are your favorites. For as many exasperated sighs that this age brings, there are twice as many laughs. The stuff you come up with all on your own boggles my mind. Your vocabulary grows by the day, and you understand so much more than you can communicate. It still amazes me that you know exactly what I'm talking about the majority of the time. Watching you grow into the silly, sweet boy that you are is the best gift we've ever received. We love you more than you'll ever know. 

Likes: mirrors, ice cream, walking backward, Gymboree, elephants, attempting to eat with utensils, fruit, all things that go, commercials, puzzles, licking ketchup off fries, shoes, throwing stuff away, wiping up spills, running wild and free, rocks, sticks, putting anything and everything in the shopping cart, bath time.

Dislikes: vacuums, not being allowed to steal our food, having anything taken away, being tired, teething, diaper rash, getting dressed, just in general being told no - you know, all the normal toddler stuff.

Eats: all fruit, green smoothies, larabars, grilled cheese, pb&j, mac & cheese, ketchup, tater tots.

Says: car (ca-ah), airplane (air-pa), hi baby, bye bye, all done!, good job (goo ja), choo choo (for train)

Here's a short, choppy little compilation of some of the silly stuff Ez does that cracks me up on the daily:

Speaking of this almost-two age, has anyone read Dad is Fat by Jim Gaffigan? I just started it, but I can not stop laughing. It's a must-read for every parent. One of my favorite snippets on toddlerhood:

Once your baby starts to walk you'll realize why cribs are designed like prisons from the early 1900s. This is clearly because toddlers are a danger to themselves. The main responsibility of the parent is to stop the toddler from accidentally hurting or killing themselves. Also, toddler judgment is horrible. They don't have any. Put a twelve-month-old on a bed, and they will immediately try and crawl off headfirst like a lemming on a mindless migrations mission. But the toddler mission is never mindless. They have two goals: find poison and find something to destroy.

I'd say that about sums it up ;)


  1. licking ketchup off fries...good stuff right there, but I like the fry too =)

    one part exasperation and two parts love, yes?

    Aria is playing with gma in her room at the moment, score, and I hear her in there yelling NEVER!! to which doll would you like to look at now, this one? NEVER. this one? NEVER!

  2. That video is so cute! I love the licking the ketchup off the fries. The little guy I nanny for likes to dip carrots in guacamole and do the same thing. Then he'll get sick of using carrots and then just use his hands.

    1. Thanks!! The ketchup thing was cracking us up too. He always hated fries until that night. Apparently they just didn't have enough ketchup on them before ;)

      I wish Ez loved guacamole like that, but so far he hates avocados, except one time when we had an avocado smoothie.

  3. Isn't it amazing how time goes so fast? And the couple months leading up to their birthdays always fly by! Also, Jim Gaffigan is awesome, I got to see him last year and he was hilarious in person!

    1. I'm jealous! I'd love to see Jim Gaffigan in person now that I've read his book. He definitely knows how to see the humorous side of parenthood.

  4. What a sweetie!
    Never heard of the dads fat but that quote is hilarious and true! :)

    1. My mom bought me that book for Christmas, and I totally forgot about it until I was lying awake unable to sleep one night, decided to crack it open, and then I couldn't put it down. I was literally trying to stifle my laughter so I wouldn't wake anyone else up!

  5. Haha this article is cute! I love that this post is like a page out of a child's baby book! The pictures are so adorable and it awesome that you have listed little moments that he is experiencing during this time of his young life! Thanks for sharing!!!

    1. Thanks! I haven't done too great about keeping up with Ez's baby book, so at least he'll have this to look back on one day :)

  6. Haha this is too cute and funny!

    1. Thanks! He sure does know how to crack me up daily :)
