
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

7 Months Bump Update with Baby #2

We took this month's bump picture at Disneyland! Definitely the happiest place on earth...unless you've got a 3 pound coconut sitting on your bladder and all your bras are too small and suffocating. Throughout both pregnancies this is the first time I remember feeling so much pressure on my bladder. This pregnancy makes me feel old. I have to pee all the time, my back hurts (specifically my right rib cage), and I groan when I stand up. Even though 7 months is pretty far along, in my head I'm thinking "2 more months of this??! How??" 

Aside from all those fun symptoms, everything else has been pretty mild. My heartburn has gone away for the time being. My skin still itches from time to time, but not as often as in the beginning. No stretch marks (knock on wood!) and my belly button popped out awhile ago. Everything is going well except for the tiny little detail that my internal organs have officially run out of space.

I was talking with another 7 month's pregnant mama at Gymboree, and she said her baby always sits in pretty much the same spot and asked where mine was sitting. I'm pretty sure he's just swimming laps in there, swinging off my ribs like monkey bars. At least, that's what it feels like. He is one active little boy, and it makes me wonder how I'm going to keep up with two of them. It is comforting to feel him moving so much though. 

Not sure if there are any Shark Tank fans out there, but awhile back I saw this Almond Water on the show:

 I've searched every store we've gone to looking for it with no luck. Well, I finally found it over the weekend and it did not disappoint! Unfortunately it was in Burbank, which is a little far for me to drive just to satisfy a craving, but I hear they have them at Fresh & Easy too. 

Other than that, cravings have been more of the same: Honey Nut Cheerios, baked potatoes (which I've made for dinner pretty much every night that I didn't just eat cheerios), grapefruit, and pineapple. It sounds relatively healthy, but eating cereal all day long probably isn't the best. 

Not too much new stuff in the baby gear or shared boys' room front, but I did go through a de-cluttering streak this past week, which I think counts as nesting:
It's kinda embarrassing to share the before pics, but welcome to my life. #reallife #notaneatfreak

This week we got some happy news that Joe's cousin is pregnant, and we'll be adding another cousin to the mix around the holidays! We also got really sad news that Joe's grandma passed away. We had just visited with her last weekend, and even though she wasn't in great health, it was still shocking news. We thought she'd get the chance to meet her newest great grandchildren and she will be greatly missed, especially as we celebrate these new family additions. It's definitely a reminder that life is unpredictable and to make the best of moments with family while you can.


  1. I hate bras. I hate boobs.
    haha at the before pic, my word. I hate clutter - I'm the type to throw things away if they piss me off though. Chris is however a pack rat. I guess we balance. If only he'd let me at his closet. He is all like...memoriesssss.
    So sorry to hear about your grandma-in-law =(

  2. I totally hate bras too! Urgh. Yay for de-cluttering -- I'm a super minimalist so clutter drives me batty! I ate cheerios all the the time when I was pregnant... oh wait I did that before and after. Ok cheerios for the win! :) You could be having worse cravings i'm sure!

  3. My little girl has been under my ribs the entire pregnancy! It does not feel good, so I feel your pain. You are looking great mama! Not much longer!

  4. You are almost there mama. :) Then this sweet little guy will be off and running.

  5. Bras were torture this pregnancy. I swear your boobs work overtime after the first go round. So sorry to hear about your gma-in-law.

  6. Loving that baby bump!! You’re getting so close. Yay for getting rid of the heartburn. I had never ever had it until I was pregnant with Mason. It woke me up one early morning and I thought I was dying! It’s definitely not pleasant!! I love Shark Tank, but didn’t see the episode with that water. It sounds delicious!!
