
Friday, October 9, 2015

Fall Fashion

Fall has always been my favorite season to shop. Nevermind the fact that I haven't really experienced a fall for the past 15 years, and barely a winter either, I still want more sweaters. And plaid. And boots! I think it's because of back to school shopping. I'd make a whole day of it with my mom and friends and stock up on whatever crazy fashions I thought were cool at the time. Now with a toddler who likes to hide in the clothing racks and a baby strapped to my chest shopping doesn't equal the fun, relaxing experience in my memories, but that doesn't erase my inherent need for more sweaters. Thank God for online shopping. And also Columbus Day, which apparently is just an excuse for lots of sales and shopping. And an extra day of family time. Yay, Columbus Day! 

How are you spending this 3 day weekend?


  1. Those boots have me wishing it wasn't 90 degrees outside right now!

  2. I will take one of each, please! And I agree with the comment above. If only Texas would get out of the 90s.

  3. I love sweaters. Do I need any? Nope. They are just so fun to shop for.

  4. Love your picks! So true about not experiencing a reall fall/winter lol. Not sure if I could pull off a hat but that one is darling!
