
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Life Lately

Holidays and the weekends get most of the spotlight around here because our everyday routine isn't nearly as exciting, but every now and then I like to give a little glimpse so one day we can look back and remember what this season of our lives was like. Especially since I'm not getting nearly enough sleep to remember anything these days. 

Currently Declan takes two naps a day, one late morning and one late afternoon. While he's napping Ez and I like to play match with his Cars cards, do puzzles, read books, or he'll sit next to me and color and do stickers while I work on my computer. Sometimes I sneak in a 30-40 minute treadmill workout while Ez watches Monster Jam and reenacts all the jumps and crashes with his own trucks. FYI - El Toro Loco is his favorite because smoke comes out of the nose. 

At any given time of day you can find one or both boys playing in the front window. They both love watching all the action going on outside, from construction trucks and buses to fire trucks and motorcycles. Whenever we hear sirens Ez runs to me screaming "I hear sirens! Let's go!" and we both run to the window to try and catch a glimpse of a fire truck or ambulance while Ez informs me that "they have to go put out a fire." This really is the most fun age.

Several times a month we like to take the train downtown to meet my sister for lunch. When the weather is nice, which is most of the time, we grab an outdoor table so Ez can watch the airplanes flying low overhead. Any day that involves planes and trains and aunt time is a good day.

We are lucky enough to live really close to a park which we try to hit up before the big kids are out of school. Now that Declan is mobile it's gotten a whole lot more fun and also more terrifying. I run a lot of interference between him and openings that he could fall down. That kid is a fast crawler. He'll put his head down like a little charging bull and you just know he's up to no good. But nothing guarantees a good stretch of sleep like climbing slides repeatedly, so the park is our bff.

Saturdays are for soccer. Ez has gone to three practices so far and he loves it. I asked him just yesterday if he likes it and after a really long pause he agreed that he does. I guess he just had to consider it from all angles. Declan and I love cheering him on too:

Other random things that Ez and Declan get way too much enjoyment out of include: loading the laundry, bath time, running/crawling circles around the couch, the hotdog dance, wrestling with each other, and causing mischief as soon as our backs are turned.

So that's what our day to day looks like around here lately. A little bit of chaos, lots of messes, plenty of snuggles, and someone constantly asking for a snack or needing a new diaper. It's definitely not the most relaxing stage, but it really is the most fun. Both boys are so curious, silly, and interactive. Watching them play together and seeing them connect the dots and learn new things daily is my favorite part of this journey.


  1. You guys do such fun stuff! I love that he's in soccer! We were thinking of signing Mac up for something this summer but didn't know if he'd be too young. Good to know that he's not!

  2. Love it. Love that you get out a lot too. Parks are definitely a nice way to run off some energy but perhaps a bit scary. I always liked getting Chris to take Aria so he could just let her be and I wouldn't have to freak out the whole time. She's a pro at all the scary things now so I guess it worked. she sometimes freaks out other mothers at the park ha.
