
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Our Weekend: Redwood Hike

We've visited a nearby redwood forest several times since we moved here last year, but this was our first springtime visit and everything was completely transformed and colorful and even prettier than usual. 

We went right after Ez's soccer practice on Saturday, and since we'd gone to the airport to watch planes take off and land a few weeks ago he kept asking if we could go see more planes. Luckily this particular redwood forest is right next to Roaring Camp Railroads. So even though we didn't see planes we did see a steam engine train which seemed to make things alright.

Technically this was Declan's first real hike, where he actually had to put in some of the effort anyway. No more lounging around on our backs or in the stroller. Since he decided he just had to walk at nine months he's pulling his own weight from now on ;) Ez was kind enough to help him out. The hardest part was not stopping to eat every stick and leaf we passed. So much temptation.

Ez and Declan loved wandering into all the tree caves and tunnels and climbing on everything that was climbable. Running around getting all sweaty and dirty is exactly what weekends are made for and they took full advantage of that. We strayed from the short loop we normally stick to and followed the path uphill. Way waaay uphill. With the double stroller. That was definitely more of a workout than we were planning on, but we came across so many beautiful sights, like a mountain stream and a train passing overhead on a bridge, that we wouldn't have seen otherwise. 

Eventually Ez and Declan passed out. Being pushed up a mountain is exhausting work. Joe and I left them with grandma and then continued hiking for a little bit. It was so peaceful and shaded, I have a feeling this will be our new favorite summer hiking spot.

The best thing about posting a weekend recap on a Thursday is that it's basically the weekend again already. Yay for that! Got anything fun planned? We might go visit a nearby mission.


  1. Oh wow! What a beautiful place!! A steam engine train? How cool is that?! Great pictures of your adorable family.

  2. That is such a beautiful area! Way to go Declan, pull that weight.

  3. Declan's little tushie-out stance is too cute! Are those real turtles on that log?! I have to go to Roaring Railroads, I had no idea there were hiking trails too! The last time I was there I think I was 11.

  4. I am so jealous of all of the outdoor adventures yall have!!! So much fun! I'm also a little jealous that Declan is so good at walking. My little 30 pounder does nothing for my neck and back. Ha
