
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Father's Day Weekend

Our Father's Day weekend kicked off with an attempt at family photos. Trying to wrangle Declan, who wanted to sprint out the door into the mall every .2 seconds, and Ez, who was bursting into tears and throwing himself on the floor like a melodramatic teenage girl every five minutes or so was probably the most exhausting physical and mental workout I've done in a long while. The above picture is the only one we got of the two of them looking in the same general direction. I'm pretty sure our photographer was ready to quit on the spot and we may or may not have ripped part of their set. Whoops. Turns out Ez had a fever and both of them took nice long naps afterwards and woke up in much better moods. 

Grandma Kat came to visit for the weekend and she and Joe took the boys to explore Stanford on Saturday while I went to Baconfest for my cousin's birthday. I don't eat bacon, and literally everything was baconified, so I stuck with beer and a green salad (minus the bacon). Yes, I was that person. We did catch a glimpse of Guy Fieri (from Food Network) which was pretty cool, and catching up with my cousin is always lots of fun.

Afterward I went to try on wedding dresses with my mom. I tried on about eight dresses and had it narrowed down to two that I loved. Eventually I chose the one that looked best on me in the photos. Turns out that was the very last day I could order it while still leaving the required six weeks for alterations. And it's due to arrive on my birthday, which I'm taking as a good sign.

As soon as the boys woke up on Sunday they gave daddy his presents and showed him his video (which Ez requests to watch daily) and then we played some Mario Kart before heading out for brunch. Ez loves running around the couch pretending he's part of the race while we play, then shouting "I won! I won!" when it's over. For brunch we wound up at a Turkish cafe which had the most delicious bread. Then we wandered around Mountain View wearing the boys out so that they'd take nice long naps. We capped off the day with L & L Hawaiian food and more Mario Kart. All in all a yummy and relaxing day. 

Hope you all had a great weekend spoiling the dads in your life!


  1. Mario Kart?!? Love it!!! Also, Ez and his melodramatic teenage girl fits. Lol beautiful description! At least you got one great photo!

  2. Cracking up about the photoshoot! Aren't those the worst! I am always so stressed! Love the sneak peak of your dress!!!

  3. I'm a bacon purist really. I just want it as a side to breakfast or when I'm feeling crazy I'll take it on a blt. But milkshakes and bread and salad and cupcakes...nope. Did the boys play mariokart or was that after bedtime? I haven't played any of those type things in ages. I wonder if Aria would like playing the dancing game....

  4. A wedding dress on your birthday? Sounds perfect to me! So glad you found one that you love. Holy bacon! ha. Great pictures!
