
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Let's Get This Summer Started

"And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.” - The Great Gatsby

We'll just ignore that there's still a week left of Spring because it sure feels like Summer to me. The a/c is running, we took a dip in my sister's brand new pool, Declan devoured his first popsicle, we've been on several hikes, and my handy little helpers have been helping me tame our garden, which is a pleasant term to use for our jungle of weeds. This is the best part of Summer when the days are long, the nights are cool-ish, and it's not so unbearably hot that we can't venture outdoors during the afternoon. 

Summertime just begs for exploring and adventures, and we've covered a lot of ground in recent weeks, spending as much family time outdoors as possible. We visited Stanford where Ez and Declan found a fountain to splash in, drove across the Golden Gate Bridge and ate an al fresco lunch overlooking Sausalito's bay, and we even spent an afternoon rowing around the lake at Golden Gate Park. Ez loved being on the boat, helping us row and pointing out all the turtles, but Declan was not at all impressed with the experience. He alternated between stony faced indifference to flat out whining. You lead a rough life, kid

Mixed in with all this fun we've had round after round of sickness going around the house. Ez has gotten the worst of it, starting with a fever, then swimmer's eye, then a fever again, then a cough, then a stomach thing. He's handling it like a champ, and still his usual energetic self for the most part, but I'm hoping this is the week we turn a corner and he's completely healthy again. 

So there you have it, a completely random, catchup post filled with lots and lots of pictures. I have a feeling there will be quite a few of these this Summer because as soon as the weather turns warm blogging turns into an afterthought for me. 

Hope you're all enjoying the warm weather as well!


  1. Gorgeous pictures, Nina!!! You make me want to like SF ;) Whats swimmers eye? Your poor house, sending you healthy vibes!

  2. I've never heard of swimmers eye. No more sicks, it is summer!
    Nope I'm not enjoy the warmth though. If we were going to move over the summer to Maryland instead of April, I would have been more into it. Maybe. The plan hatched during my fave part of the FL season, but now that it is miserable I'm more grumpy.

  3. I hear you! It officially got ridiculously hot her this past weekend and it was a pool kind of weekend all weekend long! I have never heard of swimmer's eye! Poor Ez!! Hope is feeling better!
