
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Fall by the Numbers

Fall was eventful and I'd be sad to see it go except: 1) we technically still have another three weeks of fall and 2) CHRISTMAS!!! Since I consider December it's own special season, I'm going to officially bid farewell to fall today with a little recap of the good, the bad, and the messy...all in numbers. Of course ;)

0 beds broken (but not for lack of effort).
Approximately 5 lbs of apples eaten weekly (mostly by Ez)
100% chance that if there is a leaf pile nearby my boys are stomping in it.
2 ponies ridden by two boys with very different opinions of said ponies.
2 official Halloween egg hunts which resulted in...
3,467 unofficial Halloween egg hunts until...
A dozen eggs disintegrated into rubbery, powdery nothingness.
Another 3,467 requests for more egg hunts.
4 foot radius covered in flour and baking powder after making muffins with my munchkins.
2 awestruck boys when they met Thomas and Percy (the trains).
1 child free Honeymoon weekend where it poured for...
2.5 out of 3 days but we still managed to see...
2 waterfalls and the most gorgeous fall foliage.
$200 - amount won during Honeymoon weekend.
$200 - amount lost during Honeymoon weekend. Sad face.
3 painting projects and only minimal amounts of paint eaten. Success.
1 of them was a disaster. Success.
3 trips to pumpkin patches for...
8 porch pumpkins, of which...
2 were carved with exactly...
1 billion: approximate number of lights at Lumination.
4 miles wandering around lost and confused in a corn maze.
50 approximate trips to the playground.
3 rainy day puddle stomping walks.
A dozen family members gathered around the Thanksgiving table.

You were good to us, fall. Wishing for an equally magical Christmas season for us, and for all of you as well!


  1. Good month :) LOL with the halloween eggs, totally genius...did you do turkey eggs?

  2. Christmas totally is its own season :) Looks like a successful Fall! Holy cow Ez loves apples and I love the ...0 help from the boys part. Sounds pretty accurate
