
Monday, April 3, 2017

Daffodil Hill

Springtime is for getting lost in nature, smelling the flowers, finding a shady patch of grass beneath a tree and stopping to relax and listen to the birds chirping. 

Unless you have toddlers. 

Then you're running a mile a minute after them trying to stop them trampling over all the flowers and tumbling down steep little cliffs ;) Either way, Springtime is here and we couldn't be happier to get out and explore all the beauty nature has to offer. Here are a few (dozen) photos from our trip to Daffodil Hill, a private ranch that is kind enough to let hundreds of people traipse around taking in the beauty of thousands of daffodils blooming all at once. I've never seen so many daffodils all in one spot before and these pictures can't do their beauty justice. 

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