
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

California State Fair

Living in Sacramento there was no way we were gonna miss out on the State Fair this year. We chose to go on my birthday, not so much because it was my birthday, but because it was the coolest day of the week at a nice and chilly 92 degrees ;) 

Last year we went to two county fairs and Ez loved watching the dirt bikes and monster trucks so we were expecting him to be even more excited this year. Unfortunately he's developed a strong aversion to loud noises since then so he wanted nothing to do with the monster trucks or dirt bikes, and even though Declan sat through the mini monster trucks at the county fair he thought the dirt bikes were too loud as well. Both of them took refuge at the kid museum display and would have settled in there for the long haul if we didn't drag them off to check out other parts of the fair.  

So while dirt bikes and monster trucks didn't make the cut this year, here's our favorite fair highlights:

Declan: the Nasa space shuttle tunnel in the kid's museum area, running toward any and every body of water he could find, and the free balloon he got from the carnival games (and immediately popped)

Ez: spotting the monorail, winning carnival games, watermelon slices bigger than his head, and the giant lite brite (80s youth flashbacks right there!)

Me: all the carnival photo ops

Joe: lobster fries (so SOOO good!)

What's your favorite part of the fair??

1 comment:

  1. Your state fair has a Nasa space shuttle tunnel? That’s so awesome! I wish ours had a kid’s museum. I’m with you on all of the carnival photo ops! A girl after my own heart. Haha. Great pictures, friend! Our State Fair comes in September and I can’t wait.
