
Monday, August 14, 2017

Soaking Up Summer

After having Ez all to myself the past four years I'll be sharing him with preschool in a few short weeks. More on preschool later, but for now I'll just say that I'm so, SO excited for him, and I hope he loves it and it sparks a life long interest in school and learning. 

Before we ease into daily schedules and responsibility and all that grown up stuff, there are a few more summer time activities I want to squeeze into August. I didn't make a summer bucket list this year because I knew we'd be so busy, but life has slowed down considerably this month and with fall right around the corner I have an itch to do all the summer things while we still can. A few of these are repeats that I want to do at least one more time, and a few are brand new. 

What's on your end of summer list? Or have you already moved onto back to school season? I know I say this every season of every year, but this summer has flown by so fast. 


  1. Your list sounds like so much fun! I can't wait to follow along.

  2. Preschool! yay! Way to want to squeeze in all the fun first =)
