
Friday, September 1, 2017

Ez Lately

Summertime Ez can be found splashing in the pool, eating his way through an entire watermelon, running through sprinklers, or digging in dirt. He's definitely mastered the art of summer vacation and I hope preschool doesn't cramp his style too much. This summer seems to have transitioned us from the year of the garbage truck to the year of the train. He still loves taking out the trash and watching the garbage trucks each Monday, but his enthusiasm has definitely waned a bit in favor of all things trains. Specifically mini Thomas trains, which are the most evil genius marketing ploy ever.

This boy has developed a major love for Target, which he always tells us is "not just a toy's Target!" in case we forgot. Case in point: We're pulling into the Target parking lot and Ez chimes in from the backseat: "I think this is my home!" A few minutes later, as we're walking toward the entrance, he says, "It won't be long now!" Apparently the anticipation of walking into Target affects him exactly the same way it effects me. I don't know if I should be proud, or ashamed. You can see a little more of his Target excitement in the video below.

We were so lucky to visit with lots and lots of family this summer, but Ez has been having a hard time with the goodbyes. Some of his biggest fits have been when I told him we were going to visit Gangy and Grampa and we didn't leave THAT VERY MINUTE. He still asks daily where Grandma went, and sometimes when our alarm alerts us that the door is open he'll say, "Oh! Auntie Ianca is here!" He also demands to go visit Aunt Anna about every other day, and there have been tears when I explain that Aunt Anna actually has a job and isn't home at all hours of the day to play with him. This kid loves BIG and if he had it his way he'd have all his relatives right here with him each and every day.

Watching his imagination grow is one of my absolute favorite parts about parenting. In addition to playing house at the playground, he also runs around the backyard pretending to be a dirt bike, comes up to me with a magazine in his mouth pretending to be a puppy dog, and plays garbage truck using anything and everything he can get his hands on as a garbage can and dumping it over his shoulders. Fun little fact: if we want to bribe Ez we either offer to let him take the trash out, or to take a shower. For some reason these are the ultimate pleasures in life. #itsthelittlethings

That being said, four has come with its own set of challenges. Ez finds loud noises terrifying which means public restrooms are essentially off limits (although he's perfectly fine with the garbage truck, so apparently it's a selective phobia). Ever since diapers became a thing of the past and he has access to his you know what, we have to remind him "hand!" all the time. And, probably most difficult of all, is the "no" phase. He'll ask to go to the playground, and then once we're actually heading out the door to go it's suddenly "no, I don't think we are going to the playground." He always says it like it's some kind of casual prediction. "No, I don't think I am going to put on my shoes." "No, I don't think I'm going to go potty before we leave." You get the point. I'd say about 80% of my parenting meltdowns occur when I'm trying to get them out the door which is somehow a forty minute process.

Ez Quotes:

"I found another money dollar!"
"BABE! Can you get me some water?" (He started calling us babe after hearing us call each other that. Thankfully he's slowly transitioning out of that one...)
"Alright! I'm going to work! I'll see you when I get home guys."
"It's a mummy! Just like you, mommy." (Confusing Egyptian mummies with mommies.)

To my dear, sweet Ez - you are sugar, spice, and everything nice AND snips, and snails, and puppy dog tails. You are my #1 cuddler. You ask me for snuggles at least a dozen times a day and I love it more than anything. Having the whole family in one spot makes your heart so happy, and you're frequently trying to boss us all to "come sit down!" in the living room with you. You are my best little helper and for the most part you eagerly do your chores. You are also slowly embracing your independence, which often means doing things your own way without help or suggestion. I see the smart, caring, compassionate little boy you're becoming and your daddy and I are so proud of you each and every day. We love you to the moon and back!

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