
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Summer by the Numbers

Summer is... dragon flies, starry skies, pool days, sweaty boys, evening walks, dirt, tan lines, white wine, and sunshine. 

We've spent our summer visiting with family, exploring, dipping our toes in every body of water we can find, discovering way too many amazing bookstores, and sneaking away from the kids every now and then for a few date nights (where we generally ate WAY too much sushi). We celebrated all four of our birthdays with three separate getaways in a three month span (and found snow in the middle of June!). The pool has become our second home and our evenings are best spent in the backyard. As much as I've loved all our big adventures, I've loved our evening family walks, long afternoons spent reading, and hanging out in our backyard just as much. It's been one of my favorite summers ever, and a part of me is sad to see it go.

A few things I won't miss though: triple digit days, smoky skies, and funky tan lines. 

Starting next week Ez begins preschool, and while half my brain can't figure out how my baby is starting school already, the other half of me is so excited for him to make friends his own age and bring home holiday-themed art projects, and hopefully develop a love of school that will last a lifetime. It feels a bit like the end of an era, where I had my boys all to myself for four whole years, but we're all so ready for this next adventure. I hope, anyway! Check back next week and see if I've changed my tune...

1 comment:

  1. Ha!! Im the winner of awkward tan lines, no contest ;) Im wanting- no NEEDING sushi in my life right now! Its been too long. You have had an epic summer!!
