
Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Happy Easter!

Our Easter started off with an egg hunt and meeting the Easter Bunny at Ez's school the Friday before Spring Break. Ez was by far the least experienced egg hunter there. He doesn't really understand the egg hunt hustle and he'd spot an egg and kind of mosey over in that direction and it would get snatched before he made it there. There were like two hundred eggs for a dozen kids though, so he got quite a few, smiled cheesily for an Easter Bunny picture, and then he was so ready to leave and begin Spring Break. I don't blame him, for some reason I was feeling very ready for a vacation too. 


Our next egg hunt was the next day at our friend's church. It was by far the most extravagant egg hunt we've ever been too, and thousands of eggs were dropped from a helicopter. It was awe-inspiring and also a bit terrifying, depending on who you asked. (←Declan) Thankfully there were lots of balloons to compensate, and both boys came away happy. 

We took a brief break from Easter festivities to spend the day in the hospital for Joe's throat infection, which, despite antibiotics, wasn't getting any better. He wound up having strep throat and an abscess, so after several IV bags, lots of needles, and even more antibiotics, he's finally feeling like himself again.

Our Spring Break was filled with lots of family time, play dates, and CRAFTS. Lots and lots of crafts. We made Easter cards for the grandparents, decorated bunnies, and lambs, and chickens, and, of course, Easter eggs. Not that I'm complaining, of course, I love painting with my boys. And now that I've realized the paint washes fairly easily off our table it's a relatively stress-free activity. 


On Easter weekend we did another egg hunt, accumulated more balloon animals, and spent a low key Easter afternoon with family where Ez and Declan got new Buzz Lightyear and Zurg dolls and basically there world was made. 

Wishing you all the happiest Easter and a wonderful start to Spring!

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