
Monday, December 14, 2015

Holiday Home Tour

Slowly but surely we've been decking our halls with all the mini trees and stars we can get our hands on. I've also been big on anything deer this season, like our stocking holders which we got for $3 from the Target dollar bins. But my favorite part about Christmas decorations is being surrounded by the lovely mingling of pine, peppermint, cinnamon, and gingerbread scents. As soon as I walk through the door it immediately smells like Christmas and I wish we could keep the tree up all year long just for that smell. 

Today I'm joining up with Courtney, Sarah, and Beth for a little holiday home tour. Thanks for coming along!

Ez's gingerbread house not only smells wonderful, but it adds a colorful touch to our kitchen counter:

The view from Ez and Declan's play area:

Since we don't have a mantel the stockings are hung on our bookcase which has also been made over into a Christmas reading nook for Ez:

Our shelf in the living room also got a holiday makeover:

A closeup of some more deer decorations:

I've already shared our advent calendar on the blog, but here is is again:

And of course our tree, which is the best part of all:

And if you're curious, you can get a little glimpse into last year's decorations, which crazily enough was three houses ago for us.

Sweet Turtle Soup


  1. Such fun and festive decorations! Love that bookshelf with all the Christmas books! And your advent calendar is adorable!

  2. hahaha at the three houses ago was last Christmas. Love the stockings on the bookshelf, it looks really pretty all together like that with the books bits and stockings! I wish our house smelled more Christmas-y. We need some pine candles! Aria said she didn't like that smell at the store though ha.

  3. Oh what a fun space!!!! Love all the christmas pics!

  4. Did you get the Starbucks advent calendar?! Jealous! I love how you turned the bookcase into the stockings home, super cute!
