
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Secret Santa Book Exchange

December really is the best month of the year. There are so many festive traditions that I look forward to all year long. And one of my favorite blogger traditions is the secret Santa book exchange. Last year we got Little Blue Truck's Christmas from Sara, Mac, and Mim and it's still a huge hit in this house. A big thank you to Courtney, Liz, and Ashley for hosting. This year we got paired up with Jessica, Hayden, and Charlotte over at Hey, Little Momma. Ez, Hayden, and Charlotte had similar book wish lists, so we had a ton of fun at the book store picking out their gifts. Make sure to hop over and see what we sent them. 

And us? We made out like bandits thanks to Jess and Sadie from Sadie Sky Blog, who sent us some fabulous books which have already been read too many times to count. You may have picked up on this if you've read this blog for any amount of time, but Ez is car obsessed. So Jess picked out the perfect books when she sent over Where Do Diggers Sleep? and Construction From A to Z

First of all, thank you Jess for sending a book for each kid. That went above and beyond because Declan was seriously so excited by the bubble wrap. I saved it so he could have some entertainment and distraction while we eat dinner each night. A full week of being able to eat with two hands is priceless. Best baby toy EVER. And Ez is so in love with both books. We have read each book no less than a hundred times each. 

Obviously mom reading time is more scarce, but I'm so excited for Mrs. Hemingway. I read The Paris Wife earlier this year and when I read an interesting book I want to follow the trail and read every book on the topic, so Mrs. Hemingway is the second book I'm reading about Hadley Hemingway. 

And a little video of Declan and his bubble wrap:

I'm excited to check out what everyone else got. It's always fun getting some mommy and mini reading recommendations:
Sweet Turtle Soup


  1. haha Declan and the bubble wrap!! He didn't like that at all, huh? =) Great package!

  2. So glad you guys loved your package...right down to the bubble wrap! ;-) It's the little things, right?! Your boys are so sweet! Hope you enjoy that book...let me know how it is!

  3. What a fun package! This was such a great exchange.

  4. haha!!!! How cute is Declan with the bubble wrap!! So excited I was able to participate in the exchange this year!

  5. Aw, Declan is so cute with his bubble wrap. Fun package with great books!

  6. Bubble wrap, yes! Who knew?! Lol. Im like you, I like to stay with "themes" when reading but Ive never read about Mrs Hemingway!

  7. Cute kids!

  8. How sweet a book for each kiddo!!! Bubble wrap is the best! It's a big hit over here too!! I've heard nothing but awesome things about that diggers book -- we might ahve to try to find it on our next library stop!
