
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

May by the Numbers

I've been attempting the daunting task of backing up and organizing the thousands of pictures on my phone and I honestly don't know how we crammed as many activities as we did into May. It's been awhile since I've done a month by the numbers post, but I think I need to write it all down just to wrap my head around all the places we've been and all the ground we've covered in the past 31 days. So, let's start off with that time we spent...
13 hours in a car for...
5 days at Disney, where we spent approximately...
20 hours watching Cars drive by Flo's Cafe and...
20 more hours in the Bugs Land water playground where Declan managed to catch...
0 drops of water, despite his persistence and determination. All for...
1 special birthday boy who somehow got...
3 birthday treats, candles and all, and managed to mobilize...
2 uncles on...
2 separate flights to spend his birthday with him. Added bonus, he acquired...
5 new monster trucks (maybe more, honestly I've lost count)

We also spent plenty of time outdoors:
2 beach trips,
2 Redwood hikes,
1 day at the zoo,
1 new to us park explored, and...
5 walks to the local Motorcycle dealership

Thanks to the grandparents we even managed:
3 kid-free dates - a new monthly record!

Other randoms:
3,167 photos and videos taken
2 wisdom teeth removed
0 toddlers potty trained
35,786 times we said "don't push your brother"
31 readings of Go Dog Go!
16 families Declan has tried to abandon us for
580,345 cheerios vacuumed off the floor
150 apples consumed by Ez
150 apple cores consumed by Declan

I think that about covers it! June is going to be a pretty exciting month too, with a certain someone's first birthday creeping up on us. I hope you all had an equally eventful, family-filled May!


  1. 150 apples?! Oh my word!! those are a WHOLE lot of photos taken!!

  2. How in the world do you keep up with all the numbers or think of that many cute things to correlate numbers to post? I love it. June has some pretty big pants to fill!!

  3. Oh I need to do that so bad! I am majorly behind on backing up photos!! I love this post and how you included Disney in the numbers post. Sounds like it was a great month for you all! Can’t wait to see what June has in store for your sweet family!
