
Monday, October 5, 2015

Countdown to Halloween - Oct 1 - 4

Mondays just got a whole lot more fun because it's the first Countdown to Halloween linkup party! You can read all about the linkup here. Join Courtney from Sweet Turtle Soup, Amanda from Tickled Pink, Elizabeth from Chasin' Mason, Kelly from Happily Ever Mock, and myself in sharing all things fall and Halloween. Make sure to grab a button then post away! Join us on Instagram too: #cdtohalloween15
  The Joni Journey

Let's get started! Here's what we've done in the way of fall fun lately:

1. We made our fall bucket list:

And this wasn't on my fall list, but it should've been:
A pumpkin donut picnic! Definitely wouldn't mind if this happened again in the near future.

2. We went apple picking. I'd only ever been once before, while visiting family in Maine, and I've wanted to go again ever since. Ez is apple-obsessed, so this was the perfect activity for him. Read more about it here.

3. We planted a fall garden. This is not something I know anything about, and my expectations are really low, but fun was had by everyone. Read more about that here.

4. Our first pumpkin patch trip of the season. Way back in September, while it was still technically Summer, we visited Half Moon Bay and realized they're all about the pumpkins over there, so of course we had to stop by a pumpkin patch. Especially since it was a cool, overcast fallish day. I did manage to restrain myself from buying any pumpkins, so expect to see more pumpkin patch pictures in the near future. While we were there, Ez rode a horse, we took the bumpiest hay ride ever (Declan looked petrified the entire time), and they had a cool bulldozer/digger thingy that Ez got to operate.

Before I show you a million pictures of Ez on a horse I have to tell you how proud I was that he rode all by himself. I thought for sure he'd be scared or cry, but nope. As soon as the horse started moving he got this proud little smile on his face and each time he passed by he'd give us a big boy grin. He's growing up right before my eyes.

Also, here's a little flashback to the first (and only other) time he rode a horse, back when he was 15 months old:
Serious little cowboy.

Your turn! Can't wait to see all the festive, cozy, yummy, and spooky things you've been up to lately. Just link up below and check out some fall inspiration from lots of other October-obsessed ladies.


  1. I LOVE everything on your bucket list! We are pretty excited for Mickey's Halloween Party too!

  2. You've been up to so much! I love the horse pictures, although your horse looks more like a donkey...Aria got to ride her first pony on our trip, I'm excited to recap that day =) I got to walk the pony around too. I'm really not sure who was more excited me or Aria!

    A fall garden! Nicely done. My Spring bucket list plant some flowers is looking a little worse for the wear lol. Weeds everywhere. oops.And, that farmers put your head in the hole thing is pretty much my fave ever ha. so cute.

    Happy Countdown to Halloween!!

  3. Im dying to go apple picking but our season has closed :( Fingers crossed for next year!

  4. Your Fall is off to an amazing start! I am loving all of your Fall themed adventures lately. And way to go EZ! He looks so big on that horse. Great pictures, friend. And I am with Whitney...dying to go to an apple picking farm. I am not finding any around here.

  5. Omg! Those pictures of Ez riding that horse is beyond priceless! So jealous of all the fun festive activities yall have out West!! Like apple picking!

    P.S. There is no "plum" in the title ;) Just Tickled Pink.

  6. Great bucket list! I was hoping we'd be able to do Mickey's Halloween Party in Orlando this fall, but we're getting there literally a day after it's over. Such a bummer. Pumpkin donuts are delicious! We actually grabbed a dozen apple cider donuts at the pumpkin patch we went to - they are super yummy as well. LOVE the photos of your son riding the horse! SO cute!
