
Monday, October 19, 2015

Halloween Countdown - Days 12 - 18

Twelve days till Halloween! Pumpkins are everywhere, the evenings are crisp, and we've already gone through two bags of Halloween candy. It's definitely feeling like fall.

Thank you for joining us in week three of our countdown to Halloween linkup party. If you're just now joining the party, welcome! The more the merrier. You can read all the details here, but the idea is to share all things fall related, no matter how big or small. And be sure to visit all the co hosts - Courtney, Amanda, Elizabeth, and Kelly - for lots more fall fun inspiration. So grab a button and post away!
  The Joni Journey

Here's what we've been up to this week, starting at day 12:

Day 12: Sick Day & Monsters University.
Ez was sick all week, so we've been laying low and watching lots of movies. On Monday Monsters University happened to be on, and it's the first movie besides Cars that he actually sat through. Unfortunately I think that had more to do with how sick he was feeling and less to do with how much he liked the movie. I thought it was cute though.

Day 13: Halloween Books in a Fort.
This fall I really wanted to build a blanket fort with Ez. There's something so fun and cozy about a secret hideout. I envisioned a rainy day nestled in a blanket fort with some Halloween books. What we got was a cloudy sick day. Close enough. I also figured a tent is basically a fort, and Ez has had this tent since his birthday back in May and we hadn't used it yet. So voila, indoor camping! Ez liked it as long as I was in there with him. He's pretty much been glued to my side this whole week. Nothing like mama snuggles when you're not feeling well.

Day 14: Pumpkin Everything.
I'm a little late to the party, but I finally jumped on the pumpkin bandwagon. Pumpkin English muffins for breakfast, pumpkin fro yo, and this banana bread, but I subbed one of the bananas for a third cup pumpkin. Perfect for afternoon tea. But iced tea, because this is California.

Day 15: Paint Pumpkins.
This was a classic last year and it was just as big a hit this year too. A big thanks to Grampa for hooking us up with all the supplies. Also, I gotta point out what a trooper Ez was. He had no voice and I'm sure he felt like crap, but he's still smiling and having a good time in these pictures. And just for fun, here's a comparison picture from last year:

Day 16: Baby Dumbo.
Cutest little elephant ever. 'Nuf said.

Day 17: Monster Footprint Art.
Neither boy liked having their foot painted, but I liked seeing the comparison of their feet sizes and now I have a new monster to compare to Ez's from last .

Day 18: Pumpkin Festival.
Good food, a fire truck, pumpkins, giant bubbles and grandparents is a guaranteed good time. Would I wait in three hours of traffic to do this again? No. But we got lucky that our car seat-hating baby didn't put up too much of a fuss. Also we FINALLY picked out some pumpkins. PS - I just noticed my cheesy smile in the reflection of the fire truck. Ez was just so proud to be sitting up in that seat. Cutest thing ever.

And here's how we're doing on our fall bucket list:

Thanks for joining in! If you'd like a little recap, here's days 1-4, & days 5-11.


  1. Lame that Ez has been sick. Did it spread? Those monster feet are my fave! I added it to my mental craft list. It may happen =) And, tent fort same thing! Aria needs a little tent. Although she has a teepee. So I guess that is good enough. Like we have room for a tent too lol. Happy like super almost Halloween!

  2. Those monster feet! I should have done that! We did the ever popular ghost, but considering that Hallie makes a Monster sound all the time, I wish I had done that! Too cute and what a fun week!

  3. Those monster feet are too cute! All you ladies and your cute crafts! I need to get on this...or at least start thinking about it. My first kid got all the cute crafts, the second one comes along and I do nothing! haha...oops.

  4. I love the monster footprint art! Too cute! The reading in the tent looks super cozy, nothing better than snuggling and reading together. Hope Ez is feeling better!

  5. Those monster footprints are so adorable! What a cute idea!!

  6. Nice job on your Fall list! I love those monster footprints! Such a cute idea! My oldest has been sick a lot this fall already...yuck. We also visited a pumpkin farm. You kids are adorable, by the way.

  7. LOVE the monster feet! I want to do it with my kids!! I just added my link to the link up as well! Love the fall list and such a fun post! :)

  8. Such great photos and what a great idea to countdown to Halloween with fun Fall activities!! I love it!!

  9. I love the books in the fort idea! My kids have been loving the Halloween books lately and this would make it so much more fun! And those monster footprints are adorable!

  10. Love love love those monster footprints! I just pinned that so we could make them this weekend! Awesome ideas!

  11. Monster Footprints!! Yes please…. And love the fort idea. And pumpkin banana bread is what I made this weekend!

  12. What a fun mom you are! I love the monster footprints. Adorable pictures, as always.

  13. I Love the tent activity!!! So simple and so fun! Also all your crafts are awesome!!! Super creative. Painting pumpkins! One of my favs and we haven't done that yet! I gotta get on it!

  14. Those footprints!!!! Love it!!!! Also, totally cracks me up every time I see Declan buckled up in his bumbo...meanwhile, I'm all throwing Ben in it without straps on the kitchen counter. Mom of the year over here for sure!
    P.S. I'm on my computer for the first time in forever (usually read, in a non-comment manner through bloglovin app on my phone) so I'm seeing your new it. Also love that my number one question has been answered! ;)
