
Monday, December 30, 2013

Goodbye 2013

It was really hard to narrow down 2013's thousands of pictures, hundreds of fun events and activities, and major life highlights into one picture per month. For Joe and I, 2013 will always be remembered as the year we met Ezzy and therefore the best year of our lives, so far. I really wanted this collage of 2013's highlights to capture all the great family moments we've shared this year.
  1. January - Ezzy's 26 week ultrasound
  2. February - Snorkeling in Kauai
  3. March - Gratuitous James pic - I'll never stop missing him.
  4. April - 3 baby showers in one month
  5. May - Ezzy is here!
  6. June - Joe's first Father's Day
  7. July - 4 generations together on the 4th of July
  8. August - Auntie Serena comes to town
  9. September - Auntie Daniela comes to town
  10. October - Gangy, Grampa, and a lil raccoon
  11. November - Thanksgiving
  12. December - Ezzy's first Christmas
Happy New Year!

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