
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Spring Bucket List Review

I know it's technically not Summer yet, but it already feels like it. And since I made a short and simple Spring Bucket List, we were actually able to complete it all with a few weeks to spare. I'm already looking forward to putting margaritas on my Summer Bucket List. Not gonna lie, I've missed those a LOT this pregnancy! Here's a little lookback at all our Spring adventures:

  • We've actually managed to go to Disneyland four times since March (You can see all our Disney fun here.) Each time we go, we marvel that we'll probably be a family of 4 on our next trip, but then we manage to squeeze one more pre-baby trip in. Who knows if the most recent trip is the last one, or if we'll cram one or two more in??
  • Ez dyed Easter eggs for the first time this year, and he loved it! Especially the part where he threw one across the patio and it shattered. Last year Ez wasn't even walking, so this was also his first year participating in not one, but three Easter egg hunts. The first hunt had a soccer ball egg, so he was hooked on egg hunts after that!
  • We haven't gone hiking since March, but I'm way too fat pregnant to find that fun right now, so we'll go ahead and cross that off the list. Sidenote: I really admire all the pregnant mamas who are still working out and being super active right up till their due date. All I wanna do is nap. And nest. And eat.
  • Somehow Ez and I have managed 4 roadtrips up to Modesto this year. That's 5 hours one way with a toddler, people! Aka approximately 5,763 hours of Mater's Tall Tales and Thomas & Friends. My math might be a little off, but that's what it feels like. My family has also made the trek down here quite a few times, so we've had a good amount of family time already this year. Crazy to think that the next visit will probably be when baby Craig arrives. Eek! (And yes, I know I keep saying that.)
  • Joe and I have managed one child-free date night this Spring - a dinner and movie night while my parents took Ez to Disneyland. We saw Avengers 2, which I somehow wound up liking more than Joe. I'm hoping we'll squeeze in one more to see Jurassic World.
  • Our last beach trip was in March, but that's definitely going on our Summer Bucket List too, especially since Ez finally decided he loves the ocean. Before that he mainly preferred digging in the sand.
  • This Spring we've gone to San Jose, San Francisco (twice), and San Diego. Most of those were also work trips for Joe, but Ez and I are always happy to tag along for company :)
  • About six weeks ago we fit in a quick maternity photo shoot with our friend Amber from RMA Photography. Love the photos and still need to work on getting some framed and up on our walls!
A few other Spring highlights that weren't on our Bucket List (but should've been!):
  • Ez's first NBA/Clippers game - in box seats no less!
  • Our first visit to Travel Town.
  • And, last but not least, my first baby turned 2. <sob> Also, he's definitely acting like a 2 year old, which I'm sure many of you are familiar with as being simultaneously the cutest and most annoying age on the planet. (See all my Toddlerville posts for elaboration.)

We crammed in so many family adventures this Spring, I'm excited to see what Summer's got in store for us. Anyone else making a Summer Bucket List? I always enjoy stealing your guys' ideas ;) So far I'm thinking water balloon fights, water parks, beach, and margaritas... What am I forgetting?


  1. This summer I made it a strict goal to visit my local state park and go canoeing now that I can feel safe because my son is 3 and I know he wont just jump out.... hopefully :)

  2. All I wanna do is nap. And nest. And eat. - oh hey that is me all the time! less on the nesting part, but I do like getting rid of stuff. purge purge!

    Nicely done on your list. Margaritas should be the only thing on your summer list - sounds good to me.

  3. I love that you make seasonal bucket lists, what a great idea! :)

  4. That's so awesome that you completed your list. Hooray! And I agree, I don't care what the calendar says, it's summer time!

  5. "all I want to do is nap. And nest. And eat." Yep! LOL.
    Yet somehow you guys have still managed to do a lot of fun stuff lately! :)
