Is anyone else just as puzzled as I am about how we're already 19 days into October? Didn't we just start this countdown?? Now we're less than two weeks away from Halloween.....crazy.
It's been a pretty mellow week around here. Ez and Declan have sniffles and coughs and Joe and I were gone for three blissful days on a getaway to Tahoe. That didn't leave tons of time for Halloween fun. We did manage a few easy crafts, some cozy movie nights, and daily sore throat soothing smoothies. A few little tweaks and we were able to turn our sick activities into fall activities.
I hope you're all faring better than we are healthwise. I love reading everything you've been up to this month. Crystal's son Mason's obsession with masks is so spooky and festive and it got me thinking about our Halloween costumes. Meghan's Canadian Thanksgiving tablescape has me dreaming of Thanksgiving next month. And Jamie's pumpkin patch fun had me itching for at least one more visit to our local farm before the season's up.
Can't wait to see what everyone's been up to this week! Grab a button and link up below, or follow along on IG: #cdtoHalloween16

We try to take family photos a few times a year, and fall photos are my absolute fave. They're so timeless and classic and I immediately want to hang them on the wall. Most of this year's photos were taken in Berkeley by my sister and I can already tell there are a few lifelong favorites in there.
Technically storytime at the library wasn't actually Halloween themed, so we took care of that by hunting down every last Halloween book in the building and having our own mini storytime afterward. Thankfully the library also has those little ball on a wire toys that they have at doctor's offices, so the boys sat there playing while I entertained my need for even more Halloween books than the ones we already own. I liked Bad Kitty Scaredy Cat best, but Ez seemed to like Pumpkin Trouble more.
As soon as colds come around I become obsessed with Vitamin C. For myself, as soon as I feel a tickle in my throat, or any congestion, I go straight to the store for OJ and drink the whole bottle in a day. It really works, I swear it does. Now that Ez and Declan have colds I'm trying the same remedies. Unfortunately Declan won't drink juice, so I've had to get creative and put vitamins in his milk, which he doesn't seem to mind. For Ez, I can put anything in a smoothie and he'll happily drink it. Beans, spinach, veggies - as long as it's in smoothie form it's delicious. And since it's October, bring on all the pumpkin. Our most recent smoothie concoctions have consisted of: 1 frozen banana, a third cup pumpkin puree, about a cup cashew milk, a carton of vanilla yogurt, and cinnamon and nutmeg to taste. Oh, and a heaping dose of Enfamil's liquid vitamins.
For the one day both kids had fevers we stayed home watching the most Halloweenish movies that they would tolerate. So basically Monsters Inc, and every single Halloween episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I'm working on getting them to branch out, but for now I'm just happy for the break from Monster Trucks.
When we decided to take our honeymoon in Tahoe this month I was really, really hoping, fingers crossed, that we'd see some good fall foliage. Thankfully Mother Nature did not disappoint and the scenery was gorgeous. Like something straight out of a movie or a painting. Don't be surprised if we wind up back there next October because I'm convinced it's the best spot to vacation in fall.
Ez has never tried watercolors. We've done regular paints, but for some reason never watercolors. One day soon we'll give it a try, but in the meantime I did find these little Halloween sheets that have the paint directly on the paper. Then I completely forgot about them and they sat in the closet for a year. Thankfully I did a bit of fall cleaning recently and rediscovered them. We pulled these out while we were waiting for Declan to wake up from his nap. No real prep time, minimal cleanup, and Ez was fascinated by the watercolors. Win/win/win.
It's not Halloween without a little footprint art. Last year we did monsters, the year before Ez did a frankenfoot, and this year we decided on ghosts. And by "we" I mean me. I should point out that Ez and Declan hate footprint crafts. Ez used to scream his head off the second paint touched his foot, but now he just meekly accepts it and looks relieved when it's done. Declan still screams. One day they'll learn to love it...right??
And just like that we're one week closer to Halloween. Has everyone else already picked out costumes? I'm debating if we want to do something new or just reuse Ez's old costumes for Declan. Looking forward to seeing all the fall fun everyone's been up to this week!
So jealous of the fall foliage!!! Definitely need to time vacations with that kind of pretty.