
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Joni Journey Turns 3!

Three years and one week ago I wrote my very first blog post announcing my pregnancy with Ez. I had never really thought about starting a blog before, but once I was pregnant I had a strong urge to document it all. For Joe and myself. For future Ez (and now Declan). For family members who weren't close enough to share all the day to day details of our lives. So this blog began as a virtual scrapbook, and that remains the heart of it to this day. But it has also evolved into a place where I can connect with other moms who understand the magical, completely life changing, and sleepless first days of bringing home a new baby. The hysterical, messy, lovable, and frustrating toddler stage. The heart so full it could burst moments, the mom guilt, the chaos, and the overwhelming love. 

When a good portion of my day to day life revolves around nursing, dirty diapers, managing the toy wasteland that is our living room, reading the same rhyming story a bajillion times in a row, and making sure a rambunctious toddler with zero survival instincts doesn't severely injure himself, your posts and comments provide the much needed reminder that I'm not the only one in this stage of life, and it means so much to be able to laugh at the good and commiserate at the bad with you all. I've gotten so many great perspectives, laughs, and inspiration from all you moms in this blog community. So a big thank you to anyone who stops by this little corner of blogland for a chat, and a bigger thank you for sharing all your experiences, adventures, and mishaps as well. 

Here's a little look back at the past three years in numbers:
- 18 months spent pregnant
- 2 adorable, healthy little boys brought into the world
- 1 engagement
- 473 posts
- 7,483,932 pictures (an approximate guesstimate)

Top posts from 2012:

And my personal favorites from 2012:
Disneyland (my very 1st Disney post!)

Top posts from 2013:

Personal Faves, 2013:

Top Posts, 2014:

Personal Faves, 2014

Top Posts, 2015:


  1. Yay! Congrats on 3 years! :) I started blogging to document our wedding, and then wanted to document our pregnancy!

  2. Congrats on three years! So fun and I love having the memories too.

  3. Happy Blogiversary!! What a journey being a blogger is! I started mine as just something to do on the weekends and now it's my job!

  4. Happy Blog Birthday! I cant wait to read these and get caught up!

  5. Congrats on three years! I love how you broke up the best posts over the last three years.

  6. Happy 3 years! I am rounding up on my 2 years for my blog in December. It is crazy how fast it goes and how much I have changed as a blogger. You have had a ton of great moment captures here on your blog!

  7. Yay! Blogbirthday!! I like your picture guestimate!
